Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Preventative Botox: Wrinkle-Free Tips for Women in Their Early 20’s

Who says Botox is just for aging folks? There is no rule that says young people in Mexico or anywhere else can’t undergo the treatment. For almost as long as Botox started to gain fame in the beauty industry, the concept of preventative Botox has been around. Basically, this means that young women in their 20’s get the treatment when early signs of crow’s feet, brow creases, and all sorts of wrinkles start to show, instead of trying to reverse those blemishes later in life. If you are interested in getting preventative Botox, here are some tips. Ask a Trusted Dermatologist Some would argue that 20-somethings are too young to get Botox. Board-certified dermatologists, like Dr. Sara Lea Salas from Baja MediSpa in Tijuana, will tell you otherwise. There is no appropriate age to get Botox because each individual’s skin is different.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Post-Treatment Care Tips for Patients Undergoing CO2 Laser Resurfacing

Naturally, the treated area will be very sensitive after the laser CO2 treatment. You should do everything you can to protect it from harmful elements. For instance, when you are heading out of the house and exposing yourself to the sun, you should apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 50. Only apply sunscreen that a dermatologist, like Dr. Sara Lea Salas from Baja MediSpa in Tijuana, will recommend for you so you won’t get a negative reaction. Put On Oil-Free Makeup Once you start to see signs of healing, you can go back to using makeup. This will cover up slight redness on the treated areas. Just be sure to get oil-free variants to help along the healing. Opt for green-based makeup as well to disguise the redness.

Intense Pulsed Light Spa Acquires New Safyre Radio Frequency And Ultra Sound Cavitation Machine

Tijuana, Baja California (September 28, 2015) – Baja MediSpa, a renowned medispa that offers intense pulsed light treatments (IPL), has acquired a new Safyre Radio Frequency and Ultra Sound Cavitation machine and is the only machine in ALL of Mexico. This equipment uses a combination of radio frequency and ultrasound for non-invasive and painless methods of treatment suitable for all types of patients.; NO topical anesthesia needed! The combo Safyre Radio Frequency and Ultra Sound Cavitation machine can be used for both facial rejuvenation and body contouring(fat removal) with noticeable and long-lasting results even from just one initial session. Radio frequency is one of the fastest growing and groundbreaking technologies used in the beauty industry. The purpose of this technology is to improve the quality and tightness of the skin and stimulate collagen. This is achieved by heating tissue through heat diffusion, leading to a nice tightening effect on the skin. Often times referre